Monday, February 27, 2006

4 on the floor

I've been tagged.

Four jobs I've had:

  1. Production Coordinator on the Style show.
  2. Assistant (I've been an assistant twice, but I'm counting it once because it is boring.)
  3. Senior Business Applications Analyst at FedEx -- this sounds much more impressive than it actually was.
  4. Door-to-door salesperson: Cookware and fine tableware. Don't ask.

Four movies I can watch over and over:

  1. Bring It On
  2. Ocean's Eleven
  3. Clue
  4. Better Off Dead

Four places I've lived:

  1. Andover, MA
  2. Houston, TX
  3. Memphis, TN
  4. Sacramento, CA

Four TV shows I love:
  1. Everwood
  2. Grey's Anatomy
  3. Project Runway
  4. Battlestar Galactica

Four places I've vacationed:
  1. Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester, MA
  2. Las Vegas, NV
  3. Caribbean -- Celebrity Cruiseline
  4. Italy (Venice, Florence & Rome)

Four of my favorite dishes:

  1. Spicy Basil Noodles at Chao Krung
  2. Goat Cheese Fondue at Luna Park
  3. A big fat burrito
  4. My mom's orange chicken

Four sites I visit daily:

  1. Go Fug Yourself
  2. Television Without Pity
  3. Defamer
  4. Damn Hell Ass Kings

Four places I would rather be right now:

  1. In bed, asleep
  2. On my couch, watching TV
  3. Anywhere, hanging out with the BP
  4. Shopping

I don't know anyone else to tag.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

drawing a line in the filth

Somehow, without my even noticing it, I've become the girl who lives in filth. I looked around and realized that my apartment had graduated from messy and was earning an advanced degree in disgusting.

My new plan is to clean one thing every day.

Monday after trivia (3rd place! Do not underestimate the power of The Hoff.): I washed a sinkful of dishes.

Tuesday: I tackled the toilet.

Tonight, I'm torn between scouring the tub and picking up the living room (which is much more work than it sounds like).

Wow, my life is exciting. Aren't you jealous?

Saturday, February 04, 2006

thanks, but no thanks

I keep meaning to write about this, so here goes.

Over the holidays I got a direct mail flier unlike any other I've ever received. For starters, it was in a greeting card envelope, but inside was just a small rectangle of cardstock, about twice the size of a business card.

I haven't gotten my act together on scanning/uploading images, so I am just going to quote the card verbatim, because there is no other way to fully appreciate it:

Give Yourself the Best Present for Hanukkah!
Have a Baby!

Your Biological Clock is Ticking.
You know you want
at least one child.
Don't wait until
it is too late.

Jewish male mensan, brilliant musician, spiritual giant, quick-witted, occasionally humble, strong family history, interested in finding a Jewish woman with whom to have a child.


There is a picture of a baby to accompany this text and it is the most Aryan looking baby ever.

And yes, there is a website. When you go to (and I know you won't be able to help yourself) you won't find any mention of this baby-making scheme. Instead it sends you to a site all about a guy who plays the shofar in a Jewish band.

I have two questions:

1. What the hell kind of mailing list am I on? Loser Jews?

2. Is this all some crazy scheme for this guy to book gigs for his band?