Monday, July 25, 2005

la la la

My boss is out of town for the next two weeks and I have hardly anything to do. I am already so bored and antsy and it's not even Monday afternoon. I need more internet content to read.

Friday, July 22, 2005

delicate flower

We're having a nasty heat wave here in LA. It's the kind where it doesn't cool off at night and those of us without air conditioning are doomed to sleep poorly. I have lived in some places with truly horrible summers where the humidity and temperature are so much worse than what we are dealing with here and, truthfully, I have no idea how I dealt with it. I really cannot stand temperature extremes any more. When I went to visit my family in Boston a couple of weeks ago, I complained about the heat and was given stares of disbelief. My mom and sister both told me "This is nothing. This isn't even humid." Living in LA has made me soft.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


I have been in the worst mood this week. There's no real reason for it. Everything's fine, but I am supercrabby. I have no patience with anything the least bit irritating, things that ordinarily would not bother me at all. Earlier this week, the new guy at the office (Who is the totally the guy who is too familiar even though he just met you. Yeah, that guy.) called me this really twee nickname and I just about bit his head off. (Alright, fine, I'll tell you -- he called me "Carebear." Vomit.) Normally, I would just roll my eyes and go on with my day, but I am just not in the mood to put up with his (or anybody's) bullshit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


My sinuses hurt. I don't know what's in the air but my allergies have gone haywire. I feel like I have two invisible black eyes. I need better drugs.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

inappropriate emotion much?

So, about an hour into my flight home from visiting my parents, the captain gets on the the speaker and says that we may have noticed the co-pilot going back to check the wing. (I had not noticed and had been living in blissful ignorance.) He went on to say that there was a suspicious bulge in the wing and that the Dallas ground crew had radioed to say they thought our plane had blown a tire on take-off. Nobody knew exactly what had happened but the bulge on the wing could be the result of a blown tire. So now we have two more hours of flight time, during which nobody can do anything except get more tense.

To make a long story short(er), we landed a little rockily, but safely. Everyone was very relieved and there was even a smattering of applause for the landing.

Now, I'm a pretty calm flyer, so I never really got too upset to begin with, but I was very impressed that nobody on our flight freaked out during the two plus hours between the captain's announcement and our landing.

Nobody that is, except the head flight attendant. After we'd landed safely and were taxi-ing to the gate, he got on the speaker, nearly in tears, and started talking about how life is very fragile. He all but begged us to call our loved ones and tell them we loved them. He said he'd probably get in trouble for it (since he always(!) does) but he signed off with "God bless us all {sob}!"

The passengers all just looked at each other in confusion. Seriously, dude, if you get this worked up every time there's a stressful flight, maybe you need to find yourself a new job.

Friday, July 01, 2005


There is someone who posts comments on my friends' blogs with my name. I mean, she has the same name as I do. She hasn't stolen my online identity on purpose or anything. At first, it was just disconcerting to see my name under a comment I didn't make. But the comments themselves are so unlike me and, truthfully, kind of obnoxious. So now I'm a little neurotically worried that people I know in real life think I'm writing these irritating comments.

I don't really think there's any way I could get her to stop though. Dammit, there can be only one!