Friday, April 13, 2007

70 in 398

Wow, I better get crackin' on my 101 list.

A few more crossed off:

2. Wash the dishes in my sink. I have washed the dishes a few times since 2005. Not many, but a few. I'm Carrie, I'm disgusting.

19. Buy a wireless router for my apartment. Bought, yes. Hooked up, no.

39. Donate my old computer. The Salvation Army wouldn't take it, so I listed it for free on craigslist. Five seconds later, I had 23 emails.

For the next two, I needed to make a small edit, since my mini broke and I got a grown-up iPod.

59. Load more music onto my iPod. Thanks to my lovely sister, I have 50 fantastic songs to download for my birthday.

60. Buy a cover for my iPod, maybe with an arm strap so I can look that much cooler when I’m working out. Since the big boy iPod doesn't come with a belt clip, I bought a case for it that has a clip (and an arm strap).


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