Friday, February 23, 2007

another year older

So, my birthday is coming up. I am not someone who gets all crazy about getting older (although I will probably go off the deep end when I hit 40 in a few (holy crap!) years). That being said, I'm just not motivated to celebrate right now. I'm going to be working nights the week of my birthday and I am filled with inertia on scheduling an alternate date. At the same time, I don't want my birthday to go by without some kind of something fun. Hopefully, I'll get more excited (and motivated) as the big day approaches.

In other news, the dual tuner DVR is working well. There are a few places where the differences from my TiVo really irritate me, but, at the end of the day, all my shows are waiting for me to watch, so everything else I'll learn to live with. The TiVo is hooked up in the bedroom and it's still my true love, but don't tell my new DVR boyfriend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy nearly birthday! I'm sure your tivo wishes you a happy birthday too, since he has no idea you're carrying on a second love affair in the living room.

2:03 PM  
Blogger said...

Well, Happy belated Birthday. What did you do?
btw, I envy you being able to spend the whole day in your jammies.
We are finally getting DVR, which I guess is like tivo. Phil is thrilled, but he wont be when I'm wanting to watch all my favorite shows that come on too late for me.
Love, Aunt B.

3:12 PM  

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