Friday, November 12, 2004

work-a-day world

So, I've been at my new job about a month and I really like it. Or I tell myself (and anyone who asks) that I really like it. But I think I really do. I know I like being at a new job. And not just because my old job was thankless drudgery for a boss who I am pretty sure was in the middle of a nervous breakdown.

Being at a new job is great. There's so much new information and everything is interesting and exciting (even the things I know will not be so much fun once I am doing them for the 500th time). And best of all, everyone knows I'm new, so it's a free pass on asking dumb questions and making mistakes.

But it is starting over. Again. I'm starting to wonder how many fresh starts I'm going to get before the universe just knocks me on my ass for refusing to stick with anything.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

yeah, I got nuthin'

So everyone has a blog or a journal or something. I might as well jump off the same cliff. I don't know whether I'm really going to do this, but what the hell.

And that's my first post.