Monday, June 12, 2006

unforseen consequences

So, The Bet is ruining my poker game.

I know that sounds crazy, but I have played like shit ever since I started with the diet and exercise. The best thing about my game used to be my patience and my ability to lay down a hand. I used to wait to bluff until I'd seen my opponents play for a good long while.

Now, I'm all over the place. I've got zero attention span and little patience. I'm pushing at pots against unknown opponents. I'm calling off huge chunks of my chips when I'm almost certainly the underdog and only maybe getting the correct odds to call.

I honestly think it's the lack of carbs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my friend did the Atkins diet and was carb-free, she complained of not being able to think clearly and of generally not feeling like herself mentally.

I absolutely think your momentary mental lapse is due to the lack of carbs.

SO, get back to carbs when you can...that is, after you've won The Bet. :)

6:09 AM  

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