Monday, January 23, 2006

now, cry!

Back when I was in college, I used to babysit to make extra money. My regular gig was for these two little demon brothers. Their favorite game was:

1. I build a lincoln log house.

2. They knock it down.

3. I pretend to cry.

If I didn't go "boo hoo" at the end, they would shout "now, cry!"

This brings me to my current television watching schedule. I watch a ton of shows that make me cry. Some of them better than others but all of which get a tear or two (or a sobfest) out of me.

Cold Case: You know going in that somebody's dead. This is not going to end happily. At best, they are going to get to bittersweet.
Crying scale: 3 out of 5.

Grey's Anatomy: While there are good crying moments, the whiny bratting from Meredith cheapens the cry.
2 out of 5.

Everwood: Not a guarateed cry, but when they get you, it's the best cathartic cry you've ever had. Case in point: When Dr. Abbot prayed in the hospital bathroom for his wife's recovery from cancer. I get a little sniffly just thinking about it.
4 out of 5. (Bonus: Bright Abbot is dreamy. )

Ghost Whisperer: Again, somebody is dead. The aforesaid ghost has something to finish up before they go into the light. That something is to get me to bawl my eyes out. Did you see the one with the dead kid telling his daddy not to cry? I know this show is ridiculous and yet, I am helpless before its power.
5 out of 5.

I feel like I'm missing a few, but these are definitely the top tier of weeping.


Blogger kc said...

I love it when OTHER people cry, but only on when Andre cried on Project Runway...and they showed it a million times...and I was soooo giddy! I also love the Lincoln Log Crying Game. I must implement it in my own life.

9:54 AM  

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