Monday, August 15, 2005

three things in five days

Only 98 more to go!


49. Finish this list. I know this seems like a gimmee, but I’ve been working on this list off and on for a couple of weeks now and the end is just not in sight.

Actually counting this is kind of lame, but whatever. It's done.

54. Get a pedicure.

The little asian lady hurt my feet, but it was worth it to have cute toes again.

72. Buy a new swimsuit. The underwire is poking out of the only suit I own that even almost fits me.

It's a hot pink bikini. Which sounds a lot sexier than it looks, sadly. At least it fits and isn't falling apart/poking me in the boob.

Next up, going to Cobras & Matadors for Heather's birthday. #30, I have you in my sights.


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