Friday, June 03, 2005

don't let the door hit you...

So, there's a guy in our office that my boss is going to fire today. She was supposed to fire him yesterday, but they couldn't get his check cut in time. He has no idea. It's probably all for the best, since, as we all learned from Office Space, it's better to fire people on Friday.

Don't get me wrong. He totally deserves to be fired. He's lied (to my boss and others), he's behaved unprofessionally in the field and he hasn't completed the work he was hired to do. My boss has had to talk to him about his behavior more than once. He's just one of those guys who never thinks he's going to get caught and then, when he does get caught, he thinks he'll get another chance. Well, he's run out of chances, here.

I just went into his office and told him that my boss wanted to see him at 5:30. When he asked me what it was about, I told him I didn't know. I feel a little weird about that, but what can you do. He probably knows something is up because I suck at lying.

Oh well, in 20 minutes, it won't matter.


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